Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Happy 2nd Birthday Joy!!

It's been awhile since my last blog.  Life is crazy busy right now (in a good way!) and I have been focusing so much of my time and energy on Cameron and our time together! 

Since I last wrote, Cameron has been sleeping much better, he's eating solids (started at 5 months), and has reached so many milestones to include sitting (even from a crawl position), crawling, standing up, cruising, waving hi and bye, high five, and is just started to babble and make "real" sounds!  We've also done some family hikes and even too our first family vacation to Lake Tahoe!  Oh, and we enjoy going to story time at the library every Tuesday...it's specifically for babies and he LOVES it!  Finally, we are in the process of moving...we would like to be closer to Lloyd's work and be in a city that has much more convenience.  Our house is listed and we are looking for our future dream home!  Selling a house with a baby is tough but I'm keeping my eye on the long term benefits of a much better quality of life in our new city!  Oh, and my period finally returned a couple weeks ago...here we go again (we aren't actively trying but aren't preventing...we will officially start in a couple months when Cameron turns 1).

Anyways, the real reason for this blog...today is October 6th, which was our due date for Joy.  There's not a day that goes by that I'm not reminded of how lucky we are to have Cameron and for all that we went through in welcoming him into our family.  I think of our other two babies all the time...but it's also different now.  The pain and heartache has been replaced with a love and joy like no other.  I now know what some people meant when they said I would understand once I had my earthly baby in my arms...it would all finally make sense.  I remember our other two babies and love them and miss them so much but I also cannot fathom life any other way right now. 

I was reading Jesus Calling for kids to Cameron this morning and thought it was very practical and appropriate for today:

Yes Lord, I will! Even when it's hard and I can't see up, down or sideways, I will continue to walk by faith and trust in Your Word: Be willing to follow wherever I lead you.  Follow Me with your whole heart- even when you don't know where I am taking you.
You want to see, you want to know what's coming so that you can be ready.  But that is depending on yourself.  Put your faith in Me instead, and I'll make sure you're ready.
You don't know what lies ahead, but I know- and that is enough!  Some of My best surprises are just around the corner- out of sight but very real.  To receive these blessings, you must walk by faith, not by sight.
This doesn't mean you close your eyes to what is happening all around you.  It means trusting Me- your invisible Shepherd- more than the things that you can see.
This devotional very much describes our journey to have Cameron...there were many days we couldn't see what lie ahead, why we were hurting so much, and we were full of questions, doubts, and fears.  Ultimately, God kept calling us to trust in what we could not see and I'm so thankful for all the ways He blessed us then and continues to bless us now!  God is good, always!