Monday, April 28, 2014

7 weeks

We are 7 weeks today!  It seems like time is both moving slow and fast, all at the same time!  My symptoms have really kicked in this past week and I'm very grateful, even in the moments I really don't feel well.  So far my biggest ones are feeling tired all the time (sometimes I feel like I can sleep 24 hours per day), nauseous and hungry (which isn't a good combination), food aversions (probably the most annoying symptom, especially when I'm hungry!), and my boobs are sore!

I read this yesterday out of Jesus Calling and really liked it:

Isaiah 40:29-31COME TO ME with empty hands and an open heart, ready to receive my abundant blessings.  I know the depth and breadth of your neediness.  Your life-path has been difficult, draining you of strength.  Come to Me for nurture.  Let Me fill you up with My Presence: I in you, and you in Me.
My Power flows most freely into weak ones aware of their need for Me.  Faltering steps of dependence are not lack of faith; they are links to My Presence.
We have another ultrasound appointment tomorrow, this time with my regular OB/GYN.  I am so full of hope for the great news and blessings we will receive!  This devotional was just a reminder of all of God's greatness and how He loves to give us abundant blessings!
Lloyd has also been giving me my shots and they are going great (for the most part)!  We are nearly half-way through and finally getting into a routine.  I am so thankful that he is doing this...I think it's probably harder on him than me (I have given myself the shots three times now and it's so much worse when I do it myself, both the actual shot and the pain afterwards because I do it in my thigh whereas Lloyd is able to give it in my buttock muscle).
As each day passes and we continue to receive good news from the doctors, I find that I am really bonding with this baby and pregnancy and I am getting excited.  This past weekend I was trying my best to sleep in but my mind kept daydreaming of all the fun and exciting things to come.  I was dreaming of what our day to day schedule might look like, how I want to attend MOPS at church, go for walks to the park and with our neighbor friends, visiting my mom, etc. 
I was also thinking about what I will do during the last few weeks of pregnancy (most likely I will not work at all the last 6-8 weeks) and thinking of planning freezer meals for our first month.
Photo: Okay, it’s a new week - So what's YOUR day going to be like?
We also have a lot of close friends currently pregnant and lots of baby shower invites.  Seeing all the registries has really gotten my mind thinking about what we will register for, what we need/want, etc.  Luckily, a few close friends are done having kids and we have lots of offers for receiving free baby gear.  We are really lucky and will be pretty set, especially if our little peanut is a girl!
So much going on and so much to be thankful for!  As much as the pregnancy symptoms are "not fun", I am so so thankful for them!  It is such a small price to pay for a healthy baby!  And, it just reminds me that TODAY, I AM PREGNANT!  Thank you God!

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

National Infertility Awareness Week

This week, April 20-26, is National Infertility Awareness Week (NIAW).  Although I have not suffered nearly as much as some women/couples I know, Lloyd and I have definitely shared in our own sufferings with the loss of two babies through early miscarriage (which medically classifies as a type of infertility).  We know all to well the well-intended comments that are hurtful, the pain and hurt that is often suffered in silence, just how hard it is individually and as a couple, and just how life-changing this journey is.


In honor of NIAW I wanted to share some helpful hints to spread the word so that others can help support and encourage their loved ones in a helpful way.

25 Things To Say (and Not To Say) to Someone Living with Infertility

To Say:

  1. Let them know that you care. The best thing you can do is let your infertile friends know that you care.
  2. Do your research. Read up about infertility, and possibly treatments or other family building options your friend is considering, so that you are informed when your friend needs to talk.
  3. Act interested. Some people don’t want to talk about infertility, but some do. Let them know you’re available if they want to talk.
  4. Ask them what they need. They may also appreciate if you ask them what the most helpful things to say are.
  5. Provide extra outreach to your male friends. Infertility is not a woman’s-centric issue; your male friends are most likely grieving silently. Don’t push, but let them know you’re available.
  6. When appropriate, encourage therapy. If you feel your friend could benefit from talking to a professional to handle his or her grief, suggest therapy gently. If you go to therapy regularly, or ever have, share your personal story.
  7. Support their decision to stop treatment. No couple can endure infertility treatments forever. At some point, they will stop. This is an agonizing decision to make, and it involves even more grief.
  8. Remember them on Mother's and Father’s Day. With all of the activity on Mother's Day and Father’s Day, people tend to forget about those who cannot become mothers and fathers. Remember your infertile friends on these days; they will appreciate knowing that you haven't forgotten them.
  9. Attend difficult appointments with them. You can offer to stay in the waiting room or come into the appointment with them. But the offer lets them know how committed you are to supporting them.
  10. Watch their older kids. Attending appointments may be difficult if they have older kids at home.
  11. Offer to be an exercise buddy. Sometimes losing weight is necessary to make treatments more effective. If you know they are trying to lose weight, you could offer to join them because it would help you achieve your personal fitness goals as well.
  12. Let them know about your pregnancy. But deliver the news in a way that lets them handle their initial reaction privately – email is best.

    Not To Say:
  13. Don't tell them to relax. Comments such as "just relax" create even more stress for the infertile couple, particularly the woman. The woman feels like she is doing something wrong when, in fact, there is a good chance that there is a physical problem preventing her from becoming pregnant.
  14. Don't minimize the problem. Failure to conceive a baby is a very painful journey. Comments like, "Just enjoy being able to sleep late . . . .travel . . etc.," do not offer comfort. Instead, these comments make infertile people feel like you are minimizing their pain.
  15. Don't say there are worse things that could happen. Who is the final authority on what is the "worst" thing that could happen to someone? Different people react to different life experiences in different ways.
  16. Don't say they are not meant to be parents. “One of the cruelest things anyone ever said to me is, ‘Maybe God doesn't intend for you to be a mother.’” Infertility is a medical condition, not a punishment from God or Mother Nature.
  17. Don't ask why they are not trying IVF. Because most insurance plans do not cover IVF treatment, many are unable to pay for the out-of-pocket expenses. Infertility stress is physical, emotional, and financial.
  18. Don't push adoption or another solution. So often infertile couples are asked, “Why don’t you just adopt?” The couple needs to work through many issues before they will be ready to make an adoption decision or chose another family building option.
  19. Don’t say, “You’re young, you have plenty of time to get pregnant.” Know the facts. It’s recommended that women under 35 see a fertility specialist after being unable to conceive for one year. Being young increases your chance of fertility treatments working, but it does not guarantee success.
  20. Don't gossip about your friend's condition. For some, infertility treatments are a very private matter, which is why you should respect your friend’s privacy.
  21. Don't be crude. Don't make crude jokes about your friend's vulnerable position. Crude comments like, "I'll donate the sperm" or "Make sure the doctor uses your sperm for the insemination" are not funny, and they only irritate your friends.
  22. Don't complain about your pregnancy. For many facing infertility, it can be hard to be around other women who are pregnant. Seeing your belly grow is a constant reminder of what your infertile friend cannot have. Not complaining can make things a little easier for your friend.
  23. Don’t question their sadness about being unable to conceive a second child. Having one child does not mean a couple feels they have completed their family. Also, a couple may have had their first child naturally and easily but are now experiencing secondary infertility - infertility that comes after you’ve already had a child.
  24. Don’t ask whose “fault” it is. Male or female factor. Just because a friend has told you he or she is experiencing infertility as a couple, does not mean he or she wants to discuss the details.
  25. On the other hand, don’t assume the infertility is female factor. 1/3 of infertility is female factor, 1/3 is male factor, and 1/3 is unexplained.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Life's Precious Moments

Post your Prayer Requests on Instapray. Pray with the whole world ---------> www.instapray.comWe had our appointment yesterday and it went perfectly!  The doctor even gave our little peanut an A+!!! 

Lloyd picked me up from work and we drove to the appointment together.  We got there just in time for check-in and waited a few minutes before being called back by the medical assistant.  The MA did all my height, weight, blood pressure (which was high for me...must have been a little nervous!), heart rate, prescription usage, exercise routine, etc.

I had to use the restroom (badly as I didn't know if they would want a urine sample or not) before the ultrasound so did that while the MA prepped the room.  Lloyd and I went in, I got undressed and we waited.  We said a little prayer for the doctor and our little baby while we sat in the room.  We joked around about Lloyd doing the exam himself and imagining the doctor walking in while having the dildo cam in me.

Then the doctor came in, did the usual greeting and hello (she hadn't met Lloyd before), and then we started discussing ovulation/conception date and guessing how far along I was.  I told her 6 weeks exactly and she confirmed and we both agreed that it might be a little early but we'll see what we see.

She saved the talking for later and started the ultrasound since that is what we were all really anxious to see.  No sooner than she started the ultrasound did she see the sac and a heartbeat.  She said, "Oh, and we have a heartbeat!"  Both Lloyd and I were like, "Where?" as it was really hard to see at first.

Bible Verses bible-versesShe showed us and then turned the sound on so we could hear it!  This was a first for us!  We had seen the heartbeat with both Joy and James but we never got to actually hear it.  Can I just say that hearing our little baby's heart beating ever so perfectly was the most beautiful sound I have ever heard!!!  I could have stayed in there for hours just listening- this was definitely one of life's precious moments and one of the best days of my life thus far!

She proceeded on and measured our baby...6 weeks, 1 day- right on track according to our conception date!  The sac measured 5 weeks, 6 days which was also within the normal and acceptable range.  And, she confirmed that our due date (EDD) is December 15th!!!  We have a little Christmas miracle and the best present I could ever ask for in the making!

She finished the exam, we asked some questions, talked about progesterone and baby aspirin, laughed about the craziness that goes along with symptoms (or lack thereof) when you are pregnant after loss(es), talked about future appointments with my OB, etc.  Her excitement over our results yesterday radiated throughout the room and it was just an awesome couple of minutes!  She is so happy, pleased, and hopeful and genuinely so, so excited for us! 

She insisted that I continue to keep her posted and even made the comment that she wants to see a picture with our baby next to our Christmas tree!  That one comment melted my heart and made me feel for the first time that this is really going to happen!  When she walked out of the room, Lloyd walked up to me and we embraced in a sweet hug and kiss- we were happy and proud parents (both with tears in our eyes!)!  Lloyd said we should pray again and we did- thanking God so much for the amazing blessing he gifted us with and prayers for continued health...including a special request that our baby's heart continues to beat every single day for many many decades!

50+ Inspirational Christian Quote Pictures | ROCK4JESUSI absolutely cannot wait to meet our little precious baby and just dream of all the fun things we have to look forward to...many more appointments and heartbeats, finding out whether our little peanut is a boy or a girl, feeling kicks, decorating the nursery, finalizing on a name (although we have a few picked out and some pretty near finalist already!), and the list goes on and on as we will get to enjoy and love this little baby for the rest of our lives!

As I write this up nearly 24 hours later, I am happy, hopeful, excited, and humbled!  Thank you sweet Jesus for the miracle of life you have growing in me right now!  I pray for continued health and many more appointments filled with great news!

Monday, April 21, 2014

6 weeks

Today we are exactly 6 weeks pregnant!  We have our first appointment (with our infertility doctor) in 5 hours and I'm a bundle of emotions.

In fact, the past two weeks since finding out we are pregnant again I have been a wide range of constantly changing emotions.  Overall, I'm excited, thankful, and feeling completely blessed and full of joy.  But, as someone who has been here twice before and lost two babies I also have feelings of anxiousness, nervousness, and sadness.

I have been counting down the days and hours to this appointment since it was scheduled two weeks ago.  For the most part it has been easy but in the past few days, as we are getting closer and closer, it has gotten harder and harder.  I am hopeful and scared all at the same time because I know from past experience that nothing is a given when going to these appointments.

And, because we are only 6 weeks on the dot today, the chances of us seeing more than a blob (sac) are not likely.  We will hopefully walk out of our appointment today with the reassurance that everything is just as it should be but the chances of seeing that beautiful heartbeat are not likely.  Most likely we will have to wait another 8 days for that precious moment.

Mostly, today I am excited!  I cannot wait to have our first ultrasound and see our little baby for the very first time!  These are moments I have learned not to take for granted and I plan to cherish each and every one of these appointments.  I am so thankful that we are getting an early ultrasound and that our doctors are taking really good care of us early on.

Speaking of emotions...this past weekend at church was the launch of a new series called "Great Than".  God is greater than_____. 

This week's message was titled "God is Greater Than My Hurts".  As we walked into the service we were handed a blank white piece of paper, just a couple inches (kind of like a little book mark).  At the end of the service our pastor had us write our greatest hurt.  Mine of course is the loss of our two precious babies.  On the other side we were instructed to write how we want God to work through this hurt.  My prayer request was to be able to enjoy pregnancy, to be full of peace and joy and free from fear and doubts.  As I wrote this down on paper, it was such a freeing moment (and one with many tears...I'm blaming pregnancy hormones this time!)! 

I know that God is right here with me and He's constantly reminding me that He is good, He is faithful, He loves me, and He's got this...I just need to trust Him 100%.  He wants me to enjoy this baby and this pregnancy and He wants to carry my burdens of fear and doubt.

So, every time I have that horrible voice in my head voicing it's stance on fear of losing this pregnancy, I immediately respond to the voice and say, "Not this time.  This time is different and this baby is here to stay.  God's got this".  It's because of this voice that I spend a lot of time in prayer with God.  In my worst of moments, I am conscious that I need to bring my heart and my thoughts to God, giving this baby over to Him completely and trusting in Him.  It's in those moments that I truly do feel peace! 

Our God is truly amazing!  It really does only take bringing our fears, worries, doubts, anxieties, frustrations, and disappointments to Him with a heart filled with thankfulness and gratitude.  It's amazing what He does in those quiet, precious moments!

Today, as I was reading my devotionals I was reminded of a great verse found in Matthew 19. 

This picture sums it up for me <3
What a perfect reminder for today!  Today is going to be a good day!  We will see our baby for the very first time and for that I'm very thankful!  I'm also very thankful and humbled for all our friends and family who are walking this journey beside us...your prayers and encouragement mean the world to both Lloyd and myself- THANK YOU!!!!

Oh, and today is a very historical Boston Marathon!  It's a race that I thought I would be running almost 2 years ago and it's a race that is very much on my mind today!  Praying for all the runners out there...Boston Strong!  Have fun and soak up every stride you take!  I have truly enjoyed watching this race come together in this past year since the horrific attacks in 2013.  God bless each and every runner, spectator, and volunteer out there today!

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Some Things Are Starting to Make More Sense

Today's Jesus Calling goes perfectly in line with some of my recent thoughts.

TRUST ME IN EVERY DETAIL OF YOUR LIFE.  Nothing is random in My kingdom.  Everything that happens fits into a pattern for good, to those who love Me.  Instead of trying to analyze the intricacies of the pattern, focus your energy on trusting Me and thanking Me at all times.  Nothing is wasted when you walk close to Me.  Even your mistakes and sins can be recycled into something good, through My transforming grace.
While you were still living in darkness, I began to shine the Light of My Presence into your sin-stained life.  Finally, I lifted you up out of the mire into My marvelous Light.  Having sacrificed My very Life for you, I can be trusted in every facet of your life.
Jeremiah 17:7Just last week I called my dad on my lunch hour.  He answered and said, "Were your ears burning?  I was just bragging about you."  I said, "Oh really?  What about?" in which he told me that he was telling a customer (who's husband was training for a half Ironman) that I had done a few Ironman triathlons and had qualified for the Boston Marathon.
The reminder of the Boston Marathon stung last week and it was bittersweet when April 1st rolled around.  Sweet because we were finally out of March but bitter because I was reminded that the Boston Marathon was just weeks away.
This is a race that I have dreamed about running since 1996 when I was just 13 years old.  My step mom, brother, and I all went to watch my dad run the 100th Boston Marathon.  What an inspirational event that helped to mold my life.  I remember seeing my dad after he crossed the finish line and I told him that I wanted to run the Boston Marathon with him someday.
In 2003, I ran my first marathon and really started working towards that dream of qualifying for the Boston Marathon.  I ran a handful of marathons and was unsuccessful in that quest despite always being in shape and ready for a qualifying time.  I eventually put that dream on hold (maybe out of frustration) and started doing Ironman triathlons for a couple years (2006-2009).
Fast-forward to January-ish 2011.  My dad and I were running one day and talking about the Orange County marathon that was coming up in May.  At the time I did not want to commit because I was busy planning our wedding in June.  But, I decided to do one last marathon with my dad with zero expectations.
I half-heartedly trained when I could but was excited and ready for the race.  No matter what, my dad and I had committed to crossing the finish line together.  Well, I was having one of those very rare days and could have ran a personal record (PR).  My dad, on the other hand, was having the complete opposite day.  I stayed true to my word and the importance of what the race was all about...finishing together- which we did!
Psalm 40:2So, August 2011 rolls around and I'm now married and enjoying newlywed life.  Registration for the Orange County marathon is about to open and my dad and I talk about really going for a fast time this year.  We both signed up and started doing our training.  My personal goal was to run sub-3:40 which was the previous Boston Marathon qualifying time (it had just changed to 3:35 a year before).  I thought 3:40 was attainable but 3:35 was a far stretch.
Training was going really well though and I realized very quickly that qualifying for Boston was a possibility...and it was encouraging, inspiring, and really kept me motivated those last few weeks of training!  I went into the OC marathon as prepared as never before and ran the race of my life...3:26:47- finally qualifying for Boston 2013.
But, wait!  My dad did not have a qualifying time and would not be able to by the September deadline.  On top of that, they already had plans to be in Europe during the Boston Marathon, celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary.  Oh, and we were trying to start our family and hoping to be pregnant by then.  Why God, why???
I emailed the race director, told him our story and asked for a deferral to 2014.  He kindly gave it to me and I was stoked!  Our dream was alive!!
Then the bombings happened in 2013 and both my dad and I were humbled thinking that "it could have been us" as they happened within minutes of where we most likely would have finished.  Now our thoughts were more like, "Okay God, you knew this all along and saved us from being at the bombings".  But it also caused us to be even more motivated and excited for Boston 2014.
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him. ~ Romans 8:28 #bibleversesRegistration time comes around and I email the race director as instructed to do.  He forwards me to the registration direction and weeks go by before a response.  They are no longer accepting deferrals due to all the hype for 2014.  Wow, what a blow...but, oh well- we probably won't be able to run anyways since we were again hoping to be pregnant.
You see, just last week I was feeling down and bummed out that I wouldn't be running the Boston Marathon this year and today I am writing this blog knowing that God had this all planned out, every little detail!  I will not be running the Boston Marathon with my dad in a couple weeks because God gave me something so much better!  He gave me this precious little baby that means incredibly more to me than any marathon ever could!!  In fact, our first ultrasound appointment is the same day as the Boston Marathon! 
I am continually amazed and humbled at just how awesome God is!  He is good and He loves us so much that He gives us way more than we could ever ask for!  I never imagined that this would be our story, but it is and it continues to be full of the sweetest blessings!!!

Wednesday, April 9, 2014


Bible Verses bible-versesThe past few days have been a whirlwind of testing, emailing doctors, scheduling appointments, getting results, letting everyone know how things are going, figuring out what to do with work, etc...but you know what!?!?  I'M BEYOND THRILLED, HAPPY, AND EXCITED!!!

I completed my first round of testing yesterday, which included beta HCG and progesterone testing.  My HCG went from 134 to 294 in 48 hours, with a doubling time of about 42 hours (48-72 hours is considered normal)!  We got these results yesterday afternoon and I cannot begin to describe the excitement and relief that I feel knowing that our little peanut is kicking butt!!!  I'm one proud mama!!!

To top it off I got the results from my progesterone test this morning and it was great as well- 46.31!!!  Anything higher than 15 is considered normal!  I guess the shots are well worth it and I will use this as motivation on the days where they hurt! :)
christian inspirational quotes about faith - Google Search
Speaking of...Lloyd has been giving me my shots every evening and has really been doing a fantastic job!  I'm so, so incredibly thankful for him and proud of him too!  He's so caring and gentle and does everything he can to make sure they are as easy on me as they can be!

I also talked to my boss yesterday and let him know the good news.  My work situation is very exhausting right now as we moved 50 miles away from my work when we were pregnant with Joy.  That has resulted in me commuting at 4:00 am every day, going to work, and having a really rought commute on the way home (I spend about 2.5-3 hrs/day in the car, mostly in traffic).  I delivered my proposed plan of working from home 2 days/week, in the office 2 days/week, and using 1 day of PTO/week through the first trimester.  He was very receptive and supportive, all of which I am extremely thankful for!

So, what's next???  We get to sit and wait for the next week and a half.  On April 21st we meet with my RE to have our first ultrasound appointment!  We will be 6 weeks exactly.  The chances of seeing a heartbeat are about 50/50 so I will do my best not to get my hopes up too high. 

Christian QuotesOther than that, I need to schedule my first prenatal appointments with my regular OB for 7 weeks and 9 weeks.  I tried doing this yesterday and learned that her schedule is really full.  I emailed her to see if she could get me in but apparently she isn't in the office as much these days (she's getting older and just might be cutting back/getting ready to retire). 

As much as I love her and want her to deliver our baby, Lloyd and I talked and agreed that this might be our sign from God that it's time to make a change.  We feel that it would be best to stay with doctors we are comfortable with so it looks like I will be calling to make an appointment with Dr. Kohorn (the "substitute doctor" from our last pregnancy- how ironic!!).  Honestly, though, he really came through when it mattered and was very supportive and empathetic when we had our loss.  In fact, he was a huge supporter and encourager for us to start the testing process to rule out any issues for this third pregnancy!

christian quotesLife is so amazingly beautiful right now!  I feel like I am walking around on Cloud 9 and living a dream that I have prayed about for so long!  I just have a wonderful feeling about this baby...I am feeling so good, hopeful, at peace, and have a confidence that the third time really is a charm!  God's got this...He is good, He is faithful, His love endures forever, and He is for us!!!  My daily prayer is for God to hold on to this little baby, to protect it, to love it, and to allow for nothing but healthy growth every single day!  I feel God all over me and this pregnancy and am so very humbled and thankful for His blessings!!!

Monday, April 7, 2014

Third Time's A Charm!!! :)

Bible Verses bible-versesYep, that's right...WE'RE PREGNANT!!!  I woke up super early on Saturday morning (3 am to be exact), couldn't sleep and decided it was time to get this test over so I could go back to sleep!  I grabbed the test and cup, walked to our "guest" bathroom, collected my sample, dipped the test, and started the 5 minute wait.

As I sat there anxiously looking and praying for a line, I thought I saw one.  "Is that really a line!?!?"  For a brief moment I convinced myself that my eyes were playing tricks on me.  So, I walked out to the main part of the bathroom (where the lighting is much brighter) and confirmed that there was indeed a second line!!!  WE'RE PREGNANT!!!! 

love.Honestly, my reaction came as quite a surprise to myself as I cried happy tears more than I have with either of my two previous pregnancies (I didn't even cry with the second one, it was more of an acceptance and "here we go"...but I kind of already knew what the test was going to be too, whereas these other two came as complete surprises)!  I cried and I prayed a "Thank you God"!

I gathered my emotions and tried to think (very quickly) of how to tell Lloyd.  I really didn't know what to do, how to say it,, I jumped back in bed, straddled Lloyd, and said "Thank you God!". 

Lloyd knew when I woke up that I was taking the test.  He later told me that he said a prayer as soon as I walked out of the room.  But, he somehow managed to fall back asleep in those very short 5 minutes!  He woke up to my voice and was shocked to find out that he is going to be a daddy!  We embraced in such a sweet kiss and laid in bed in shock!

As we tried to go back to sleep, our minds were racing with "what now".  We knew we needed to get my progesterone shots filled and that finding the Kaiser facility that would be able to fill them that day was going to be a chore.  I quickly gave up on sleep and decided to start on that daunting task.

Lloyd joined me shortly after and kept encouraging me as I tried 6 different Kaiser hospitals.  We finally were able to get it filled in Irvine, which is 75 miles one way from our house.  Oh well, at least we can get it today and start these shots!

I also emailed my doctor, requesting the blood work to be in the system (hoping that I could do that while at the hospital getting my prescription).  I had not heard back from my doctor when I left and decided I needed to get the drive over with. 

Day 10 Christian QuotesI arrived in Irvine with still no word from my doctor and no way of getting in touch with her (the receptionist tried his best!).  Oh well, time to get the prescription and meet my dad for lunch!

We met at Chipotle and enjoyed a quick lunch together!  Seeing my dad made the drive down there so much more truly was a blessing and I enjoyed our time together!  It's always great seeing him and I am glad that we got to celebrate this awesome day in person!

Later that evening I received an email from the doctor in charge (covering for my doctor over the weekend).  She submitted the blood work and said that I could go to Fontana the next day to do the test.

I convinced Lloyd that we should go after church on Sunday...that way we would have it done and it would allow me to work from home on Monday- win, win!  He agreed and we made the trek there and back, praying for a decent number.

Later that afternoon the results were in and HCG is 134...we are indeed pregnant!!!  This is also a really good number and has me really excited!  Last pregnancy, I tested on 16 DPO and was 144...yesterday I was only 13 DPO and 134, so double or higher so far!

I go back tomorrow for the test that really matters and gives us a good indication of how things are going.  I am excited and full of hope that we will get a good results!  GROW, BABY, GROW!!! 

50+ Inspirational Christian Quote Pictures | ROCK4JESUSMy heart is so full of thankfulness right now!  My prayer is that I just give this baby to God, asking for His love and protection over it during these next few months!  We are due around December 15th and I just cannot help but think all these happy thoughts of having our family of three next Christmas!  I cannot wait to meet this precious little baby of ours!!!  Thank you everyone for all your prayers, positive thoughts, words of encouragement, and prayers throughout this entire past year!