The past few days have been a whirlwind of testing, emailing doctors, scheduling appointments, getting results, letting everyone know how things are going, figuring out what to do with work, etc...but you know what!?!? I'M BEYOND THRILLED, HAPPY, AND EXCITED!!!
I completed my first round of testing yesterday, which included beta HCG and progesterone testing. My HCG went from 134 to 294 in 48 hours, with a doubling time of about 42 hours (48-72 hours is considered normal)! We got these results yesterday afternoon and I cannot begin to describe the excitement and relief that I feel knowing that our little peanut is kicking butt!!! I'm one proud mama!!!
To top it off I got the results from my progesterone test this morning and it was great as well- 46.31!!! Anything higher than 15 is considered normal! I guess the shots are well worth it and I will use this as motivation on the days where they hurt! :)
Speaking of...Lloyd has been giving me my shots every evening and has really been doing a fantastic job! I'm so, so incredibly thankful for him and proud of him too! He's so caring and gentle and does everything he can to make sure they are as easy on me as they can be!
I also talked to my boss yesterday and let him know the good news. My work situation is very exhausting right now as we moved 50 miles away from my work when we were pregnant with Joy. That has resulted in me commuting at 4:00 am every day, going to work, and having a really rought commute on the way home (I spend about 2.5-3 hrs/day in the car, mostly in traffic). I delivered my proposed plan of working from home 2 days/week, in the office 2 days/week, and using 1 day of PTO/week through the first trimester. He was very receptive and supportive, all of which I am extremely thankful for!
So, what's next??? We get to sit and wait for the next week and a half. On April 21st we meet with my RE to have our first ultrasound appointment! We will be 6 weeks exactly. The chances of seeing a heartbeat are about 50/50 so I will do my best not to get my hopes up too high.
Other than that, I need to schedule my first prenatal appointments with my regular OB for 7 weeks and 9 weeks. I tried doing this yesterday and learned that her schedule is really full. I emailed her to see if she could get me in but apparently she isn't in the office as much these days (she's getting older and just might be cutting back/getting ready to retire).
As much as I love her and want her to deliver our baby, Lloyd and I talked and agreed that this might be our sign from God that it's time to make a change. We feel that it would be best to stay with doctors we are comfortable with so it looks like I will be calling to make an appointment with Dr. Kohorn (the "substitute doctor" from our last pregnancy- how ironic!!). Honestly, though, he really came through when it mattered and was very supportive and empathetic when we had our loss. In fact, he was a huge supporter and encourager for us to start the testing process to rule out any issues for this third pregnancy!
Life is so amazingly beautiful right now! I feel like I am walking around on Cloud 9 and living a dream that I have prayed about for so long! I just have a wonderful feeling about this baby...I am feeling so good, hopeful, at peace, and have a confidence that the third time really is a charm! God's got this...He is good, He is faithful, His love endures forever, and He is for us!!! My daily prayer is for God to hold on to this little baby, to protect it, to love it, and to allow for nothing but healthy growth every single day! I feel God all over me and this pregnancy and am so very humbled and thankful for His blessings!!!
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