I arrived at the appointment just before Lloyd to get checked in. Lloyd showed up and I had him go out to my car to put some food in an ice chest. While he was doing that the nurse called me back to do all my vitals and urine sample.
A few minutes later we were settled in our room, impatiently waiting for our OB. We took this time of waiting to pray for our little peanut. This is a ritual that we have started with this pregnancy and it's one that I look forward to.
My doctor came in shortly after, asked all the normal "how are you feeling questions" and then proceeded with the ultrasound. During my first pregnancy, she used the regular ultrasound at my 10 week appointment; however, yesterday she played it safe and did the vaginal ultrasound. I was very thankful for this because I didn't need any reasons to be scared or delays in seeing our baby.
One of the first things that I noticed was that our little peanut had grown so much! What a relief! I also saw the heart but couldn't really identify a clear heartbeat. Also, little peanut was very still, apparently enjoying a nice little nap (even a couple pokes from the doctor didn't wake he/she up)! Both of these things caused Lloyd and I a little concern and anxiety until the doctor allowed us to listen to the heartbeat, which was fast, strong, regular, and a beautiful sound to both of our ears!
Little peanut at 10w3d...taking a nap! |
As my OB was doing the measurements we talked about how it's normal for the baby to sleep and that everything was looking good! She was happy and so are we! Little peanut is measuring right on track at 10w3d (yesterday) and we couldn't be more thankful! Thank you God for your continued blessing on our precious little baby!!
Just as my doctor was finishing up the ultrasound, little peanut decided to wake up and give us a show! He/she was tapping his/her feet and moving his/her hands...doing a very happy dance for mom and dad! Seeing our little one move around is such a sweet gift- I could have stayed in that room watching for a very long time!
My doctor finished the exam, printed the pictures, and then Lloyd and I asked our important question concerning delivery. My doctor is near my work (which is 50 miles from our home) and delivers at the hospital close to the office. I really like her and want to stay with her throughout the pregnancy but my fear was around being able to make it to the hospital for delivery. She reassured us that so long as I can make the appointments then I can stay with her but that she likely would not be delivering our baby even if we could make it to her hospital (she's not there much these days). This is great news in that I can stay with her all the way to delivery and then when we get to that day we can make a decision on whether to go to her hospital or to the one closer to our house (which is still 30 miles from home)!
When she left the room, we said another prayer thanking God for answering our prayers! We feel so incredibly blessed, thankful, full of hope, and relief! It's starting to feel like we just might be having a baby this December and that feeling is beyond words! We were both overwhelmed with emotion, both having tears in our eyes!
Yesterday was a day we had been hoping and praying for since we lost Joy and it's a day where we can finally move past some of our fears and really start embracing all the joy that pregnancy has to offer!
Thank you, thank you, thank you God! We know and trust that you've got this! We continue to lift this baby up into your loving and powerful hands! You are good and You are faithful!
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