Tomorrow I will be 41 weeks pregnant and officially closing the door on this amazing chapter and opening a whole new door! That's right- at 11:30 p.m. tonight I am scheduled to start my induction and will hopefully be holding our sweet precious son sometime tomorrow (although it could be Sunday)!!
Lloyd and I went for our appointment on Wednesday and learned that there was absolutely zero progress or signs of labor starting. I honestly felt so deflated, frustrated, disappointed, and exhausted. For the past week I had tried so many of the so-called "natural labor inducers"...from lots of sex, tons of walking, and evening primrose oil and not even a smidge of progress.
My doctor asked what I wanted to do and I knew my answer (it was different depending on how my exam went). I knew that we didn't want to wait too much longer but also didn't want to induce prior to 41 weeks. So, we decided to schedule an induction.
My OB attempted to schedule at our favored hospital but ran into some obstacles. First, they preferred that I had been under their care the past month. Second, they wanted me to do at least 1 NST on Friday and possibly another one on Monday. The final straw though was when they wouldn't induce me prior to 41w3d, which is the Tuesday before Christmas (December 23rd). Both Lloyd and I did not feel comfortable with this as we would prefer that Cameron's birthday not be so close to Christmas and we also wanted a chance to be home with our little guy. So, we asked to be scheduled at my OB's hospital (which is further away from home, about 80 minutes) and were able to get an appointment for 11:30 pm tonight!
This week has been so full of emotions. I was really disappointed on Wednesday as an induced labor is far from my original birth plan. However, God has carried me through these past few days and provided a peace in my heart with the decision we've made. I know that it's the right decision and I've come to terms with my new birth plan and have accepted that it will likely change as well. At the end of the day all that matter is that we will be holding Cameron in our arms very shortly!!
After another night of not-so-great sleep I woke up super early this morning, full of anticipation! Thankfully I have quite a bit to do before we leave for the hospital tonight so I won't be sitting around too anxious!
While walking this morning I was listening to my Christian music playlist that I made specifically for labor. I was filled with so many emotions but mostly pure excitement! I truly cannot believe that THIS day is finally here! As nervous as I am for the labor journey I am just thrilled that I will be holding Cameron soon and starting a whole new chapter! He is absolutely the best Christmas present I could ever ask for! My heart is filled with so much love for our little guy!
During the walk I was talking to him and letting him know how much I have truly enjoyed being pregnant with him! It's something I will greatly miss and it's made me savor these last few inside kicks the past couple days! I also let him know how much he was prayed for and how loved he already is! There are so many people excited to meet our son and he has touched so many lives even before his arrival here on earth! It's been a fun journey these past 9 months- one that I am tremendously grateful for!
I would also like to share a cool story from this past week. We have been joking about the irony that my body couldn't keep our first two babies and now it won't "release" our healthy son. Lloyd was sharing this with a co-worker who responded so beautifully saying, "That's because your two babies are holding Cameron and keeping him safe right now". When Lloyd told me that I knew how true it was. Our two angel babies are always here, ever so present, and protecting us in so many ways. They are a huge part of our story...there's not a day that goes by that I don't think of them and I know that they will be with me tonight, tomorrow, and all the days ahead as we meet and get to know Cameron!
For our 1st wedding anniversary I made a 366 day calendar (to include Leap Year). I flipped the calendar this morning and feel that it's absolutely perfect for today:
God is so incredibly good and faithful! Today is just another testimony to His unconditional and relentless love, grace, mercy, and faithfulness! Thank you God for answering our prayers and carrying us through this journey! We are forever humbled, thankful, and grateful for all the ways you have and continue to provide for us!
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