I saw this yesterday and thought it was so perfect for the road God has me on right now. This journey has taught me so much about being patient, a quality that I wholeheartedly admit that I need to work on! And, it has been a journey that has truly strengthened my faith and trust in God's perfect timing.
Faith is believing in what we cannot see instead of focusing on the circumstances we find ourselves in. It's knowing that God is in control of our life, that He has a great plan for us, that He is for us, and He loves us. It's about letting go, sitting on the sidelines, and letting God do what He needs to do!
In the past 3 months since the loss of James, there have been many doubts and fears concerning whether or not we will be parents some day. We know and believe that we will be pregnant again, but whether or not the next pregnancy (or any pregnancy in the future) will lead to us holding our baby in our arms is a fear that we are both struggling with. I often find myself questioning how many more losses I can emotionally handle and where do we "draw the line" and start the journey of growing our family through other avenues (either through treatment, adoption, etc). Or, will we reach a point where we simply say that we won't pursue other options and just leave it completely up to God to allow it to happen naturally (without really intentionally trying to get pregnant)?
And then I am reminded about how worth it it will be when we have our little one in our arms! All of this heartache, pain, hurt, struggle, frustration, and disappointment will be a distant memory when that day comes! When I start to look at my life today with this perspective in mind, it's amazing at how much more my heart and mind can endure.
GOD'S TIMING IS PERFECT! It's so hard to trust in His timing when we live in a world where instant gratification is so accessible. There really aren't many things in life that we have to "wait" for or situations that call us to be patient. God is using this season as a testing of my faith so that in the end I will be lacking nothing.
There truly is so much peace found in the moments when I give this all to God, affirming my trust in Him. Today I find myself in the midst of a season of growth...God is using this season to prepare me and us for whatever lies on the paths ahead. When I look back on how far I have traveled (and all the GOOD God has done in this season), I'm humbled, amazed, and reminded of all the blessings that have been found in this journey. It's time to sit back, take this one day and one decision at a time, to get excited, and to wait with eager anticipation for all the goodness that God has planned as this journey continues to unfold!
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