This past weekend I was reading Chapter 14, "When We Don't Understand" and loved how it relates to my heart right now. So many times through this journey I have asked the question, "Why?" and sought to find God's answer in those moments.
"Sometimes, things happen, and we simply can't understand why. When life takes a turn for the worse, we wonder why, but no matter how hard we think or how desperately we try, we simply cannot understand God's plan. And that's okay with God."
This devotional brought me back to the first sermon I heard the week we had learned of our first loss (HERE), where the main theme was, "Can you thank God for trusting you with this experience even if He never tells you why?"
The devotional references Proverbs 3:6, which is my bible passage dedicated to this journey: "In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths". It goes on to say the following encouraging words:
"If you acknowledge God's sovereignty over every aspect of your life, He will guide your path. So as you prayerfully consider the path God intends for you to take, here are things you should do: You should study His Word and be ever-watchful for His signs. You should listen carefully to that inner voice that speaks to you in the quiet moments of your daily devotionals. And, as you continually seek God's unfolding purpose for your life, you should be patient."
As I have journeyed through this past year and sought to have the question of , "Why, God?" answered I have learned the following:
Although God has given me glimpses of His beautiful work being done through this journey (either by bringing me closer to Him, strengthening our marriage, changing my heart in ways that needed to be changed as a mother and woman, etc), He hasn't provided the clear, "here it is" answer that I've craved at times (and I might not receive this answer until I enter heaven, and that's okay!).
Can you understand the secrets of God? His limits are higher than the heavens/ you cannot reach them! They are deeper than the grave; you cannot understand them! His limits are longer than the earth and wider than the sea. -Job 11:7-9
But, God has provided, and continues to provide, so much more in this journey. He's provided things that I didn't think were sufficient at the time. He's provided in ways that are much different than what I thought I needed. And, you know what? God has provided in every single way that I most definitely needed...He knows my needs much more than I do!
I am truly grateful that faith enables me to move past the question of "Why?" -Zig Ziglar
The things that God has provided are things like love, grace, peace, comfort, and strength. He's always there for me no matter what. He's my comforter in the moments when I feel so alone. His peace allows me to let go and truly trust in His plan for my life. His strength carries me on the darkest of days and reminds me that I can get through this.
There are a lot of things in life that are difficult to understand. Faith allows the soul to go beyond what the eyes can see. -John Maxwell
"Your Heavenly Father may not always reveal Himself as quickly as you would like. And He may not always answer your prayers with a resounding yes. But of this you can be sure: God is sovereign, God is here, God is love, and God intends to use you in wonderful, unexpected ways. He desires to lead you along a path of His choosing, not your choosing. Your challenge is to watch, to listen, to learn...and to follow."
God is good, He is faithful, and His love is the midst of our darkest seasons God is reaching for us, drawing us closer to Him, and gently nudging us to sit, be still, be patient, and to trust in Him no matter what.
Can you trust God even when trusting Him is hard? If you answered yes, congratulations. If you answered no, don't despair, but don't stop praying, either.
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