We are officially in the 2WW (the two weeks between ovulation and when your period is expected to arrive). Anyone trying to get pregnant (and especially those tracking and who know exactly when they ovulate) know that the waiting period is difficult.
Not only do you want to know what God's answer is and whether or not you are actually pregnant, but you often experience many symptoms that are so very similar to early pregnancy systems. This is especially true in the first few months after a miscarriage, or at least it has been for me. For example, with my last pregnancy, sore boobs was a very early sign for me. Well, last month my boobs were really sore all the way until the day my period showed up (normally the soreness would decrease a couple days beforehand). This is just one of many examples of how my mind and body play tricks on me, I get overly hopeful, and sometimes the curiosity gets the best of me (I tend to really battle with anxiety during these two weeks, especially as I get closer to my period being due).
This month I have vowed to change things up a little to deal with and help combat the craziness that accompanies these two weeks. I am really at peace with whatever God's answer is for this month so there really is no need for me to worry, obsess, over-analyze, and be anxious over the final answer!
These changes include not temping until 12 DPO (days past ovulation...or, for me, about 2 days before my period is due. This is also the day I start testing!) and really turning my focus to prayer, God's Word (scripture verses), and worship songs in the moments when I feel overwhelmed with anxiety. I will also do the things that help me to feel emotionally and physically better, like going for short walks during the day and running.
Some of the verses that I will focus on in the next couple weeks are the following:
Prayer is such a power tool because our God is a Mighty God! He loves us and cares for us so much more than we can ever imagine! It's amazing how much peace there is when I turn to Him in my moments of doubt and fear (with prayer and scripture), placing my trust and hope in Him. His Word encourages us to turn to Him and be devoted in prayer, to give Him our requests, to have undoubtful faith in His power to fulfill those requests, and to have a heart full of thankfulness for all that He is doing in our lives regardless of our circumstances. God might not answer my prayers in MY timing but He will answer them in His perfect timing! And, the peace that He provides while I await His answers is indescribably amazing...He is the comforter of all comforters and His grace is enough!
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