Monday, April 28, 2014

7 weeks

We are 7 weeks today!  It seems like time is both moving slow and fast, all at the same time!  My symptoms have really kicked in this past week and I'm very grateful, even in the moments I really don't feel well.  So far my biggest ones are feeling tired all the time (sometimes I feel like I can sleep 24 hours per day), nauseous and hungry (which isn't a good combination), food aversions (probably the most annoying symptom, especially when I'm hungry!), and my boobs are sore!

I read this yesterday out of Jesus Calling and really liked it:

Isaiah 40:29-31COME TO ME with empty hands and an open heart, ready to receive my abundant blessings.  I know the depth and breadth of your neediness.  Your life-path has been difficult, draining you of strength.  Come to Me for nurture.  Let Me fill you up with My Presence: I in you, and you in Me.
My Power flows most freely into weak ones aware of their need for Me.  Faltering steps of dependence are not lack of faith; they are links to My Presence.
We have another ultrasound appointment tomorrow, this time with my regular OB/GYN.  I am so full of hope for the great news and blessings we will receive!  This devotional was just a reminder of all of God's greatness and how He loves to give us abundant blessings!
Lloyd has also been giving me my shots and they are going great (for the most part)!  We are nearly half-way through and finally getting into a routine.  I am so thankful that he is doing this...I think it's probably harder on him than me (I have given myself the shots three times now and it's so much worse when I do it myself, both the actual shot and the pain afterwards because I do it in my thigh whereas Lloyd is able to give it in my buttock muscle).
As each day passes and we continue to receive good news from the doctors, I find that I am really bonding with this baby and pregnancy and I am getting excited.  This past weekend I was trying my best to sleep in but my mind kept daydreaming of all the fun and exciting things to come.  I was dreaming of what our day to day schedule might look like, how I want to attend MOPS at church, go for walks to the park and with our neighbor friends, visiting my mom, etc. 
I was also thinking about what I will do during the last few weeks of pregnancy (most likely I will not work at all the last 6-8 weeks) and thinking of planning freezer meals for our first month.
Photo: Okay, it’s a new week - So what's YOUR day going to be like?
We also have a lot of close friends currently pregnant and lots of baby shower invites.  Seeing all the registries has really gotten my mind thinking about what we will register for, what we need/want, etc.  Luckily, a few close friends are done having kids and we have lots of offers for receiving free baby gear.  We are really lucky and will be pretty set, especially if our little peanut is a girl!
So much going on and so much to be thankful for!  As much as the pregnancy symptoms are "not fun", I am so so thankful for them!  It is such a small price to pay for a healthy baby!  And, it just reminds me that TODAY, I AM PREGNANT!  Thank you God!

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